Friday 22 June 2012


On the Tuesday of our Norfolk week, we took a seal boat trip to Blakeney Point. We opted for the two-hour trip with an hour on the point - I've never been to Blakeney Point before so was looking forward to this a lot. Weather was dry and not too windy, but grey.

Waiting at Morston quay, I was entertained by the Skylarks whizzing around. Also there were Redshanks, Black-headed Gulls and a Swallow to watch, the latter skimming along a few cm above the ground between the rows of parked cars, before going to its nest inside the little teashop.

Then it was all aboard and we chugged out into Blakeney harbour. All was flat calm (as you'd expect in a harbour) but the little girl sitting opposite us wore an expression of horror all the way, despite her mum and dad on either side comforting her, and no doubt wishing they'd picked something else to do that day.

We reached the long arm of Blakeney Point and chugged along it, while a National Trust lady pointed out various birds. Here's a gang of Sandwich Terns loafing on the beach. Then it was round the corner to view the seals.

Photographing the seals was tricky, as it did actually get a bit choppy here, but we both took so many pics as the boat slowly turned in front of the beach that some were bound to be OK. I think I have the IDs right - Commons at the top then two Greys in the water. But I admit to finding these surprisingly difficult, especially in a front-on view. I have side-on pics of the two individuals in the water and can confirm they have huge Roman noses in profile.

We went back to the other side and disembarked while the boat went back to the quay for an hour (well, most of us did, a few including Terrified Child and family opted to go straight back). The National Trust person suggested we walk to the open sea side via a boardwalk over the dunes, so we did. The dunes were high and rolling, anchored down with lots of Marram Grass, with colourful patches of Thrift, and full of Skylarks and Meadow Pipits.

 It was a good 15-minute yomp across the point to the sea-side so we didn't  have too long there. Here's some of the seabirds seen going by - lots and lots of Sandwich Terns with fish, the occasional Mediterranean Gull and, most surprisingly, a Fulmar which I suppose must belong to the Hunstanton colony, some 25 miles west along the coast. There were also Little Terns fishing but I got no decent pics of them. All too soon it was time to go, and as we chugged back to Morston the sun started to come out.


ShySongbird said...

What a treat to see and photograph the seals! The sun coming out as you got back sounds exactly like my luck.

Lisa & Adam said...

We've done the trip out to Blakeney, it's a lovely place. We keep meaning to go back at whatever time of year it is that you can walk the whole length of the spit.